3hd Festival | tba (November) | Berlin | GER | Festival | nat | Tomke Braun | "Performances, panels and workshops will travel the gamut of experience and struggle — personal stories of overcoming adversity around visibility, feminism, empowerment and community — in order to be seen and heard." |
Afropunkfest | 25.–26.08.2018 | Paris / New York / Atlanta / London / Johannesburg | FR / USA / CA / UK / ZA | Festival | int | Jocelyn Cooper | “The musicians at AFROPUNK were there not just to sing and rap but to celebrate and give voice to communities of difference.” - NOISEY |
Awomen Fest | tba (March) | London | UK | Festival | nat | Raniyah Qureshi | "The AWOMENfest team proudly and gently present a weekend feminist arts festival with a focus on soft, loving and intersectional activism and support." |
Berlin Feminist Filmweek | tba (March) | Berlin | GER | Festival | int | Karin Fornander | "The mission of the Berlin Feminist Film Week is to inspire, entertain and most importantly, pay tribute to all wonderfully talented, inspiring filmmakers out there who challenge the hegemony of white cis-male filmmakers." |
Britney X Festival | tba (May) | Köln | GER | Festival | nat | Sabine Döring | "Zum zweiten Mal versammeln sich zum Festival Britney X Künstler*innen, Schriftsteller*innen, Journalist*innen und Kämpfer*innen im Kampf gegen das veraltete System der Cis-Herrschaft, um zu hinterfragen, zu dekonstruieren und zu provozieren!" |
Business Riot Festival | tba (March) | Vienna | AUT | Conference | nat | Contact | "Das Business Riot Festival ist Österreichs größte Konferenz zum Thema Frauen*, Arbeitsmarkt & Unternehmerinnen*tum." |
Chouftouhonna | 06.–09.09.2018 | Tunis | TUN | Festival | int | Khouloud Mahdhdaoui | "Chouftouhonna is a unique feminist arts festival, launched in 2015 as a grassroots initiative in post-revolutionary Tunisia. Created by and for women, this year it challenged gender roles, patriarchy – and class privileges." |
Clit Clgn | tba (March) | Cologne | GER
| Festival | nat
| Fatima Khan | "Die q[lit]*clgn, gesprochen: [klɪt kəˈloʊn], ist Deutschlands erstes feministisches Literaturfestival. Die Veranstaltungsreihe findet (...) rund um den Weltfrauen*tag (08. März), in Köln, statt und beinhaltet Lesungen, Podiumsdiskussionen, Ausstellungen und Parties." |
Dgtl Fmnsm Festival | tba (March)
| Dresden
| Festival
| int
| Contact | "In Anlehnung an die immerwährende Forderung des Cyperfeminismus' nach neuen Utopien zur Verbesserung der Verhältnisse, ruft das Festival dgtl fmnsm erneut zur genussvollen Destabilisierung bestehender Systeme auf..." |
Elevate Festival | 27.02.–03.03.2019
| Graz
| Festival
| int
| Contact | "Elevate ist ein interdisziplinäres Festival mit einem starken Fokus auf gesellschafts- und kulturpolitischen Fragestellungen, das einmal jährlich in Graz stattfindet." |
ESSENCE Festival | 05.–08.07.2018 | New Orleans | USA | Festival
| int
| Contact | "ESSENCE is Where Black Women Come First for news, entertainment and motivation." |
Fem*Fest | tba (March) | Basel | CH | Festival | nat | Katha Baur | "Als KOLLEKTIV 8. MÄRZ wollen wir einen Raum schaffen für queerfemistische Kritik, für Anregungen, Fragen, Gedankenspiele und Denkanstösse. All dies bietet das erste fem*fest in Basel, ein inklusives und intersektionales Festival für queer_feministische Anliegen." |
Female Music Point | 25.–27.05.2018 | Frankfurt / M. | GER
| Workshop / Event
| nat
| Hildegard Bernasconi | "FEMALE MUSIC POINT – Ein Wochenende mit viel Musik: Workshops, Bandcoaching, Konzerte, Session …" |
Feminist Writers Festival | 25.–27.05.2018
| Melbourne / Geelong | AUS
| Festival
| nat
| Nikki Anderson | "The Feminist Writers Festival (FWF) was established in 2016 to support and promote feminist writers in Australia by hosting a biannual feminist writers festival and a range of one-off events throughout Australia." |
Feministisk Festival Malmö | 01.–03.06.2018 | Malmö | SWE | Festival | nat | Contact | "Malmö feministiska nätverk (Malmö Feminist Network) invites you all to a spectacular, FREE and grassroots-oriented feminist festival! (...) The focus will be on activism and activity, theory and culture/arts." |
Femme Wave | 15.–18.11.2018 | Calgary | CAN | Festival | nat | Kenna Burima | "The festival takes place annually across multiple inner-city venues and has enjoyed considerable growth since its inception. Mission: Create an integrated, encouraging arts scene with opportunities for women and non-binary artists." |
Femn Fest | 21.–22.09.2018 | Duluth
| Festival
| nat
| Contact | "FEmnFEST is an unapologetically feminist festival brought to YOU by a team of womxn-identified bosses. (...) Mission: To seek and promote gender balance in the arts industry by displaying dynamic diverse representation, increasing visibility, and amplifying underrepresented voices." |
FemPop | tba (November) | Barcelona | ESP
| Festival
| nat
| Mabel & Lieven | "FemPop is a music festival that doesn’t’ want to exist. A festival against gender discrimination in the music business. A festival where women are the protagonists. A festival that is intimate, cozy and proud to be small. A festival that was born with the intention to perish soon." |
Frauentouren | regularly | Berlin
| Tours / Lectures
| reg
| Claudia von Gélieu | "FRAUENTOUREN will Frauengeschichte sichtbar machen, um Frauen für heutige und zukünftige Auseinandersetzungen zu ermutigen und zur Emanzipation aller Menschen beizutragen. Unser Motto lautet: Ohne Frauen ging und geht nichts!" |
Fuchsbau Festival | 30.05.–02.06.2019 | Hannover
| Festival
| nat
| Christopher Horlitz | "Wir stehen für das Aufbrechen von bestehenden Strukturen. Eine Zelebration von Gemeinschaft, von Gedanken und Ästhetik, aber auch eine ungemütliche Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Identität." |
In*Vision | tba (August) | Brandenburg | GER | Festival | nat | Contact | "Die IN*VISION bietet euch auch dieses Jahr wieder Raum, an Workshops zu Themen wie schwarzer Geschichtsschreibung, Postkolonialismus, Critical Whiteness und intersektionale Macht- und Diskriminierungsverhältnisse teilzunehmen."
L-Beach | 17.–19.05.2018 | Weissenhaus | GER
| Festival
| nat
| Claudia Kiesel | "Ein solches Festival & gleichzeitig Urlaubs-wochenende für Frauen und Trans*Personen - egal ob lesbisch, bi, oder hetero - gibt es so nirgends in ganz Europa. (…) Female Empowerment kann schöner nicht sein!" |
Magdalena München | tba (March) | Munich | GER | Festival
| nat
| Raquel Ro | "Magdalena München ist Teil des internationalen Netzwerkes The Magdalena Project, gegründet 1986 in Wales. Dessen Anliegen ist es, mehr Aufmerksamkeit für die kreative Arbeit speziell von Frauen in der Freien Theater- und Performance-Szene zu erreichen. "
Mothershipfest | tba (October)
| Coachella
| Festival
| nat
| Contact | "As always, everything is 100% women-driven. We are the anti-mean girls. the new wave riot grrr.l sex-positive. LGBTQ encompassing, ultra-inclusive creatives who believe in the power of women supporting other women."
Music By Women Festival | 70.–09.03.2019
| Mississippi
| Festival
| nat
| Julia Mortyakova | "The festival will include papers, presentations, workshops, panels, lecture recitals, and performances all relating to the subject of music composed, taught and performed by women. The festival will feature concerts of new and historic music written by women composers historically as well as in the present day." |
National Women's Music Festival | 05.–08.07.2018 | Middleton | USA | Festival | nat | Contact | "The National Women’s Music Festival is a four-day musical and cultural extravaganza that incorporates all facets of women’s lives."
Pop Kultur Festival | 15.–17.08.2018 | Berlin
| Festival
| int
| Katja Lucker | "Das Festival entfaltet sich in über 70 Konzerten, DJ-Sets, Ausstellungen, Installationen, Talks und Filmen. »Pop-Kultur« legt Wert auf Internationalität und geschlechtliche Diversität."
QueerfeMS | tba (September)
| Münster
| Festival / Workshop
| int
| Contact | "Es wird ein Wochenende lang Vorträge, Workshops, DIY, Musik, Zeit für Kennenlernen, Vernetzung und leckeres Essen geben. Es sollen Räume geschaffen und respektiert werden, in denen sich Menschen empowern können."
Reclaim The Beats Festival | tba (October)
| Berlin
| Festival
| reg
| Sky Dietrich | "Reclaim the Beats is a festival with a focus on music genres created by black, POC and queer people that have been heavily gentrified in media over several years. (...) Spanning over 2 weeks with series of more than 5 events including concert, dance parties, workshops and panels."
Red Dawns Festival | tba (March) | Ljubljana | SLO | Festival | int | Eva Jus | "We decided to organize a women festival on March 8th, the International Women’s Day, to celebrate our lives and redefine public space in order to make it accessible for creativity and socializing of women on our own terms."
Resonate Festival | tba (April)
| Belgrade
| Festival
| int
| Contact | "The festival lasts for six days and provides an overview of current situation in the fields of music, visual arts and digital culture. Guest artists, lecturers and other participants are chosen to represent the cutting edge of the contemporary creative industry in the world."
Riverwest Fem Fest | 27.05.–03.06.2018 | Milwaukee
| Festival
| int
| Contact | "An annual festival and fundraiser in the Riverwest community in Milwaukee, WI celebrating talented and strong women, femmes, and feminine identifying groups through music, visual, performance art and poetry"
Rrriot Festival | tba (March)
| Vienna
| Festival
| nat
| Contact | "Das Rrriot Festival feiert 2018 als feministisches Programmfestival Premiere: gemeinsam mit über 40 Programmpartner_innen zeigen wir in unzähligen Events unterschiedlichste Perspektiven auf. Feminismus für alle!"
She Makes Noise | tba (October)
| Madrid
| Festival
| nat
| Natalia Piñuel | "La Casa Encendida celebra la tercera edición del festival she makes noise y consolida un programa que apuesta cada vez con más fuerza por visibilizar el trabajo de mujeres en el campo de la música electrónica y experimental. "Chicas que hacen ruido” oscuro y contundente."
She's the Fest | tba (September)
| La Rambleta
| Festival
| nat
| Contact | "Festival de música y creación artística que potencia y divulga el talento femenino / Music and Arts Festival that enhances and disseminates female talent."
Sisterspace | 07.–09.09.2018
| Delaware
| Festival
| nat
| Contact | "The SisterSpace weekend is the largest event of the year for SisterSpace of the Delaware Valley, a 40+ year old non-profit organization that provides women the opportunity to gather, network and build personal, leadership and organizational skills..."
Sofia | tba (March)
| Zürich
| CH
| Conference
| nat
| Nicole Johänntgen | "Neben der künstlerischen Profilierung junger Musikerinnen geht es um die Förderung ihrer Vernetzung und Selbstvermarktung. Mit dieser Ausrichtung reagiert SOFIA auf die spezifischen Anforderungen, die gegenwärtig an junge improvisierende Musikerinnen gestellt werden,..."
Spokane Fem Fest | tba (April)
| Spokane | USA
| Festival
| int
| Autumn Reed | "The vision and mission of FemFest Spokane Feminist Art Festival is to present visual arts, spoken word, live music and other entertainment that addresses the stigmatization of feminism."
Statement Festival | 31.08.–01.09.2018
| Bananpiren / Gothenburg
| Festival
| nat
| Emma Knyckare | "The festival will be Sweden’s first large music festival free from cis-men, and the purpose is to make a clear statement towards the sexual assaults in our society."
The Future is F*E*M*A*L*E* | tba (September)
| Berlin
| Festival
| int
| Cora Frost | "Das Festival bildet eine Plattform für Berliner und internationale Künstlerinnen, die alle dazu einladen, sich mit dem Thema Feminismus auseinanderzusetzen."
Venus Fest | 20.–22.09.2018
| Toronto
| Festival
| nat
| Contact | "Venus Fest is a Toronto music festival and concert series celebrating feminism in the arts."
What Time is it on the Clock of the World | tba (May)
| Hamburg
| Festival
| int
| Sophie Goltz | "What Time Is It on the Clock of the World* versammelt internationale Künstler*innen, Performer*innen und Musiker*innen mit neuen künstlerischen Arbeiten für Hamburg sowie internationale Theoretiker*innen und Aktivist*innen. "
Wiesenburg Festival | tba (September)
| Berlin
| Festival / Organization
| reg
| Contact | “Die Wiesenburg Kulturstelle ist ein kreativer Arbeits- und Veranstaltungsort mitten im Herzen von Berlin-Wedding, geprägt von sozialer Verantwortung und Gemeinschaft. Im September 2016 veranstalteten wir das 1. Wiesenburg Festival. "
Women in Music Festival | tba (April)
| Oakland
| Festival
| reg
| Contact | "We are 100% committed to providing a diverse and real platform for women in music and media to connect, inspire, and manifest. in 2017, we brought together 700 women for 11 events across downtown oakland, ca."
Women's Redrock Music Festival | 10.-11–08.2018
| Torrey
| Festival
| int
| | "The Women’s Redrock Music Festival fosters local arts and the economic development of Wayne County by empowering independent women and gender diverse musicians from Utah and around the world."
Zentiheve | tba (September)
| Nashville
| Festival
| nat
| Rae Solomon | "Our mission is to celebrate female artists by creating a stage to share their music and a platform to stand together against discrimination, making the business behind the music you love better."
040 festival | tba | Hamburg | GER | Festival | nat | 040 festival | the only urban Newcomer Open Air Festival for hiphop, art & fashion in Hamburg |
MusiCo Women | twice a month | Berlin | GER | Networking Event | nat | | MusiCoWomen brings the women* of the music industry together to co-work, network and empower each other - because community + productivity = ♥ |
Ladies Artists Friends | 08.03.2020 | Hamburg | GER | Concert | reg | Nina Graf | Ladies - Artists - Friends - das sind Linda, Debby, Sara Jane, Miu, Elin, August August und Joscheba die sich eine Veranstaltung gewünscht haben, bei der weibliche Künstler im Vordergrund stehen und nicht nur zur Erfüllung der Frauenquote dienen. Gedacht, gemacht. Die Mädels, die es als selbstständige Künstlerinnen gewohnt sind, Dinge in die Hand zu nehmen und einfach zu machen, mieteten kurzer Hand das Knust und geboren war die Veranstaltungsreihe „Ladies Artists Friends“. |
GRRRL NOISY | every month | Berlin | GER | Jam Session | reg | 24/7 Diva Heaven | GRRRL-NOISY is a brand new happing with a jam session that’s organized for women* and female musicians & music lovers. GRRRL-NOISY is organized by women who are committed to creating space for female musicians and music lovers, whether in the genres of noise, grunge, punk, doom, metal or other extraordinary styles in the underground music scene in Berlin. |
RAP fatale | 24./25.04.2020 | Freiburg | GER | Festival | nat | RAP fatale | "RAP fatale" is a female* focused hip hop & rap festival taking place at ArTik Freiburg on 24/25 april 2020. We wanna put the spotlight on female* hiphop artists - antiracist, antifascist, self-organized, emacipartory & non-profit. |