Name | City | Country | Function | Strategy | Contact | Info |
AIM: Women in Music | London | UK | Project | nat | Jude McArdle | "Taking place at City Hall in London on 17th January 2018, Women in Music will celebrate the successes and examine the challenges of women in the music industry." |
Archiv Frau und Musik | Frankfurt am Main | GER | Organization | nat | Anne-Marie Bernhard | Gegründet 1979, ist das Archiv "Frau und Musik" mit seinen über 25.000 Medieneinheiten von mehr als 1.800 Komponistinnen sowie Dirigentinnen aus 52 Nationen vom 9. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert, weltweit das älteste, größte und bedeutendste Archiv dieser Art. |
Audible Women | Sidney | AUS | List | nat | Gail Priest | Audible Women is an online directory for female-identifying, trans and non-binary artists who make sound, sound art, noise and music (acoustic or electronic) with a bit of an experimental and exploratory bent—interpret that as you will. |
Berlin Music Commission FEM | Berlin | GER | Project | local | Jana Rahmlow | Die Berlin Music Commission organisiert und vernetzt Akteurinnen und Akteure aus der Musikwirtschaft und ist das Sprachrohr gegenüber Politik und anderen Branchen. Durch aktive Vernetzung erschließt sie neues kreatives und wirtschaftliches Potenzial. |
Bitchmedia | Portland | USA | Organization | int | Soraya Membreno | "Bitch Media is a nonprofit, independent, feminist media organization dedicated to providing and encouraging an engaged, thoughtful feminist response to mainstream media and popular culture." |
Discwoman | Brooklyn | USA | DJ Community | nat | Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson | "Founded by Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson, Emma Burgess-Olson and Christine McCharen-Tran, Discwoman is a New York-based platform, collective, and booking agency—that showcases and represents talent in electronic music." |
Female: Pressure | Berlin/ Wien/ Hamburg | GER | Network | int | Andrea Mayr | "female:pressure is an international online database for female, transgender and non-binary DJs, musicians, composers, producers, visual artists, agents, journalists and researchers working in the realms of electronic music and digital arts." |
Fembot Collective | Oregon | USA | Collective | nat | Carol Stabile | The Fembot Collective was founded in 2009 with the intention to create an open access, open source publishing platform for feminist research on gender, new media, and technology. Today it includes feminist media scholars, artists, producers, writers, and activists from around the world. |
Forum Musik Diversität | Basel | CH | Organization | nat | Christine Fischer | "The ForumMusikDiversität Schweiz (FMD) is a centre of competence for music, gender and diversity, and sees its task as knowledge transfer in these areas." |
Frauen Kultur Büro NRW | Köln | GER | Organization | reg | Ursula Theißen | "Das Frauenkulturbüro NRW e.V. mit Sitz in Krefeld, bietet als Landesbüro nordrhein-westfälischen Künstlerinnen aller Sparten ein Forum, vernetzt und entwickelt strukturelle Maßnahmen." |
Frauen Musik Büro Frankfurt | Frankfurt am Main | GER | Organization | local | Hildegard Bernasconi | "Das Frauen Musik Büro fördert, präsentiert und vernetzt Musikerinnen im POP-Musikbereich (Rock, POP, Neue Musik und Jazz). Ziel ist es, einen interdisziplinären Austausch der verschiedenen Genres und Musikstile in der Popmusik voranzutreiben." |
Frauen Musik Club Köln | Köln | GER | Club | local | Patricia Ahrens | Um gemeinsam mehr bewegen und sich Gehör verschaffen zu können wurde 1990 der Frauenmusikclub Köln e.V. gegründet. Musik begeisterte Frauen und Mädchen werden hier mit unterschiedlichsten Angeboten unterstützt und gefördert. |
Frauenmusikzentrum | Hamburg | GER | Organization | reg | Anne Koenen | In dem Haus im Ottenser Hinterhof ist ein Proberaumzentrum für über 100 Musikerinnen. Die bunte Vielfalt der Musikszene in Deutschland findet sich hier generationsübergreifend wieder. |
Helvetia Rockt | Bern | CH | Organization | reg | Monika Müller | "Wir engagieren uns für eine signifikante Erhöhung des Frauenanteils, insbesondere von Instrumentalistinnen, im Jazz, Pop und Rock und für eine stärkere Präsenz der Musikerinnen auf der Bühne, in den Medien und in der Öffentlichkeit." |
International Alliance for Women in Music | Philadelphia | USA | Organization | int | Megan Stellar | The IAWM is an international membership organization of women and men dedicated to encouraging the activities of women in music, particularly in activities such as composing, performing, and research in which gender discrimination is an historic and ongoing concern. |
Keychange PRS Foundation | London | UK | Initiative | int | Jess Partridge | "Keychange is a pioneering international initiative which empowers women to transform the future of music and encourages festivals to achieve a 50:50 gender balance by 2022." |
LISTEN | AUS | Network | nat | Evelyn Morris | "LISTEN exists to initiate & foster change, using a feminist perspective to promote the visibility & experiences of women, gender non-conforming & LGBTQIA+ people, people of colour, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, people with disabilities in Australian music." | |
Music Industry Women (VUT) | Berlin | GER | Project | nat | Verena Blättermann | "Ziel des Netzwerks ist, dass langfristig mehr Frauen die Musikwirtschaft mitgestalten – und zwar auch in Führungspositionen und als Gründerinnen - und dafür zu sorgen, dass Frauen sichtbarer werden." |
Music Tech Germany / Diversity | Berlin | GER | Organization | nat | Claudia Schwarz | "The Federal Association of Music-Technology Germany “MusicTech Germany” represents the common interests of hardware, software and service-providers in the field of music-technology in Germany. The members of MusicTech Germany are as diverse as the industry itself." |
Music Victoria - Women's Advisory Board | Melbourne | AUS | Organization | nat | Sarah Blaby | "Music Victoria is well placed to promote women in music. It represents all contemporary music and believes diversity and equality is good for artists, music businesses and punters and increases the industry’s capacity to generate economic, social and cultural outcomes for the state." |
Music Women Austria | Wien | AUT | Network | nat | Zarah Lii | "MUSIC WOMEN AUSTRIA is a platform for women working in the field of music. The main objectives are sharing information, best practice and networking events." |
MusicHHWomen | Hamburg | GER | Network | reg | Andrea Rothaug | MusicHHwomen – will Plattform für Musikfrauen aus 3 Bereichen sein: Ob Musikerin (art), Bookerin (business) oder Musikjournalistin (media), allen wird das neue Netzwerk u.a. Austausch, Stärkung, Schutz & Präsenz bieten. |
MusicNSW – Women in Electronic Music | Sidney | AUS | Organization | nat | Emily Collins | "The Women In Electronic Music Program is a series of events highlighting the talented and inspiring women in Australia’s electronic music scene." |
No Shade | Berlin | GER | Network | reg | Linnéa Palmestål | "No Shade is a club night series & DJ training program for female & non-binary DJs based in berlin." |
NOWIE - Network of Women in Events | London | UK | Network | nat | Zac Fox | "The aim of NOWIE is to create a forum for professional women in the Events Industry. To capitalise on the breadth of knowledge and skills that exist in our workforce. To offer training and support to women at all levels in their careers." |
One of One | Melbourne | AUS | Community | nat | Sarah Hamilton/ Vader Fame/ Joanna Cameron | Shines the spotlight on women in the Australian music industry. One on one thinks it’s time to built an online community with the aim of inspiring others, whether they be people who have worked in the industry, those paving their way into the industry or currently studying the business. |
She Said So | London | UK | Organization | EU | Andreea Magdalina | "Our vision is to create an environment that supports collaboration, creativity and positive values. We value professionalism and high standard work ethics." |
SISTER | Network | int | Coral Foxworth | "SISTER is a virtual collective of women and gender non-conforming electronic music enthusiasts and professionals across the globe, remedying inequality in our field since 2015." | ||
SONORA | São Paulo | BRA | Network | nat | community | "Sonora is a collaborative network that brings together artists and researchers interested in feminist manifestations in the context of arts." |
SparX | Berlin | GER | Programm | nat | Claudia Niemann | "Ziel von sparkx ist es, die Aufstiegs- und Karrierechancen von Frauen im Management von Medienunternehmen nachhaltig zu verbessern und gleichzeitig deren Potential für die Unternehmen nutzbar zu machen." |
UK Music Diversity Taskforce | London | UK | Survey / Organization | nat | Ele Hill | "UK Music is the umbrella body representing the collective interests of UK’s commercial music industry, from songwriters & composers to artists & musicians, studio producers, music managers, music publishers, major & independent record labels, music licensing companies & the live music sector." |
We Make Waves | Berlin | GER | Organization | reg | Mirca Lotz | "We Make Waves is an innovative, first-of-its-kind organization designed to support the work of women, trans and non-binary people working in the music industry. The organization serves as a networking platform, a resource, and a presenter for artists and professionals." |
Women in Electronic Music | Network | int | Kontakt | "An open group for sharing and discussing the music of female electronic composers. Celebrating the work of women who are talented programmers and composers in all styles of electronic music be it ambient, techno, electro-acoustic, dnb, folktronica... " | ||
Women in Live Music | DNK | Platform | int | Thea Louise Skou | Women in Live Music [WILM] is a European platform and online community for women working in live music. | |
Women in Music | London | UK | Organization | nat | Amy Paul | "Our aim was to shine the spotlight on some of the most inspirational and influential execs in the music business – who just happened to be female. We also wanted to showcase the full range of roles that women were tackling within the business: highlighting how vital they are to the industry overall." |
Women in Music Canada | CAN | Network | nat | Tiffany Ferguson | "Women in Music Canada (WIM-C) is a registered non-profit organization comprised of a supportive network of music industry professionals. WIM-C is a diverse and inclusive organization welcoming all female-identifying, non-binary individuals and professionals at any stage of their career." | |
Women in Music Schweiz | Zürich | CH | Organization | reg | Susannah Haberfeld | WOMEN IN MUSIC ist ein bunt gemischtes Ensemble von Berufsmusikerinnen, deren Backgrounds und Werdegänge unterschiedlicher und vielfältiger nicht sein könnten. Sie bieten die Möglichkeit, sich auf die eigene Art musikalisch zu verwirklichen. |
Women in Music Tech | Atlanta | USA | Organization | nat | Leslie Bennett | "The Center for Music Technology is committed to excellence, diversity, and equality. It is in that spirit that our first student organization emerged in the spring 2016: Women in Music Technology." |
Women in Sound and Women on Sound | London | UK | Network | nat | Linda O'Keeffe | WISWOS is an international hub of networks and individuals, including artists, researchers, technologists, musicians, archivists and everything in between, with an interest in sound, technology and education. This network plays a pivotal role in supporting this interventionist activity. |
Women in the Victorian Contemporary Music Industry | South Melbourne | AUS | Organization | int | Nick Cooper | "Music Victoria is well placed to promote women in music. It represents all contemporary music and believes diversity and equality is good for artists, music businesses and punters and increases the industry’s capacity to generate economic, social and cultural outcomes for the state." |
Women Make Music | London | UK | Project | EU | Vanessa Reed | "Women Make Music supports the development of outstanding women songwriters and composers of all genres and backgrounds at different stages of their career." |
Women’s International Music Network™ | Network | int | Laura B. Whitmore | "The mission of the Women’s International Music Network™ is to create a hub to connect women in all facets of the music industry. You are not alone!" | ||
Women's Audio Mission | San Francisco | USA | Network | nat | Terri Winston | "#changingthefaceofsound by providing hands-on training, work experience, career counseling and job placement to over 1,500 women and girls every year in creative technology for music, radio, film, television and the internet." |
Yorkshire Soundwomen | Yorkshire | UK | Network | local | Liz Dobson | "Yorkshire based network set up to bring like-minded women together; to share knowledge and skills in music and sound technology, sonic arts, production, audio electronics. Our glorious mission is to inspire and enable more women and girls to explore sound and music technology." |
GirlGaze | Los Angeles | USA | Network | int | GirlGaze | With a community of over 250,000 creatives, our mission is simple: to close the gender gap one job at a time by providing female and non-binary creatives with paid jobs opportunities across industries. |
Kosmos & Krawall | Hamburg | GER | Collective | reg | We are an ensemble of diverse artists striving to create a vivid interspace out of sound, rhythm and individuality. | |
musica femina münchen | München | GER | Verein | reg | musica femina münchen | Der Verein musica femina münchen e.V. ist eine gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung und Präsenz von Komponistinnen in Konzertleben und Musikkultur |
dieda | GER | Agency/Network | nat | dieda | DIE Bookingagentur und DAS Netzwerk für Künstlerinnen. | |
Franz&Lissy | Ludwigshafen | GER | Kulturcafé | reg | Franz&Lissy | Mit Franz & Lissy entsteht ein neuer Ort für Kultur in Ludwigshafen Süd. Noch während des Umbaus geht es los. Wir starten mit Literatur, Kunst, Musik, Begegnungen. |